We have a new DVD!

Hello everybody, today in my blog I will be talking about the ‘edit’.  Well, you’re probably thinking  “what is the edit?”.  Well guess what?  It’s your lucky day because that is what I’m going to be talking about.  It all started with the long exhausting drive to Virginia.  I got up very early  and went to the barn to feed the horses and then we hit the road.  Lauren, Suzanne and I – all three.  The drive was about 6-7 hours in the car.  We first picked up Cindy on the way – she’s our marketing agent and does a lot of work for us to make sure people know what we’re all about.  We got a lot of work done in the car while we were driving .  We talked about Next Level HorsemanshipTM , picked out pictures for our calendar and our bookmarks, and stopped occasionally for something to eat.  The calendar and bookmarks are a fun way with pictures of us to tell people about what we do.  When we got to the editing location, it was about 3:00 in the afternoon, and guess what, we got right back to work editing our brand new DVDs!  A few hours later, around midnight,  I came up with an awesome idea.  My idea was to have ‘Cue-tips’ at the end of each DVD!

Cue-tips are tips that will help you and your horse.  I was about half asleep but I got awake right away when I thought of the idea.  So now that NINE hours had passed by and all of those hours we were working on editing our DVDs we then went to our hotel and got a good night sleep.  It felt so good to lay horizontal!  Next, we woke up, got dressed and ready, then got a latte at Sheetz.  It was a great way to start the day off!  Then when we got to the editing location again, we started over on the next DVD.  But, while we were sleeping, Dan was up until 4;30 in the morning putting all of his little touches onto the DVDs, stuff we couldn’t do but just him.  Like all of the fine tuning editing stuff and putting the copyright and FBI warnings into the DVD.  Also, it takes about 6 hours to copy one DVD onto a disc.

Now on the second day at editing, we have 2 brand new DVDs  to edit.  We worked on these until 5:00 in the afternoon.  Then, we left to head back to Pennsylvania to get back to training horses.  Dan then began to do all the same little touches that we couldn’t do like for the first DVD.  So he then said “good bye”.

So now you can sort of have a feel of what is would be like if you were with us at the edit!  So come on – I hope you watch our brand new Next Level HorsemanshipTM DVDs!  They’re about making your horse training easy for you.  I think you will like them!  One is about trick training too!