“Please know that you have really touched our lives.”

Recently we had the chance to work with another lovely gal from State College, PA and her horse ‘Tinka’. This pair was having some trouble connecting because Tinka was a bit overly sensitive to her rider’s aids and just couldn’t relax when asked to do anything.  Tinka needed to learn how to RESPOND to the aids instead of just REACTING to them.  Over the course of a few weeks in our program, Tinka began to understand this more and became more relaxed under saddle and she began to develop a much better rhythm in all of her gaits.  This made riding Tinka much easier and brought she and her owner more in sync with each other.  Awhile after the pair returned home, we received a letter from Tinka’s owner expressing her gratitude for the help we had given them:

“Suzanne, I cannot thank you enough for all that you did for Tinka and I.  You really changed the way we interact with each other and now we can really have some great quality time together!  It’s been a month since we brought her home and while she is not getting worked daily she is really doing amazing and has had no problem retaining her new found buttons!  Please know you have really touched our lives and have given us more quality to our time together!”


C. Henry, State College, PA