Category: NLH Team Blog

We have a new DVD!

Hello everybody, today in my blog I will be talking about the ‘edit’.  Well, you’re probably thinking  “what is the edit?”.  Well guess what?  It’s your lucky day because that is what I’m going to be talking about.  It all started with the long exhausting drive to Virginia.  I got up very early  and went to the barn to feed the horses and then we hit the road.  Lauren, Suzanne and I – all three.  The drive was about 6-7…

Horses and Dogs

Have you ever been out on a trail ride and out of the blue a deer, turkey, or maybe the small but oh so frightening squirrel scares the…well you know what, out of you and your horse? These creatures couldn’t have picked a more perfect time to rustle in the leaves sending you and your horse’s heart racing. At NLHTM trail riding is a significant part of a horse’s training and as soon as we have basic control and steering…

NLHâ„¢ Tips: Week of November 8th

Horses understand ‘forward’; they are constantly being pushed around by their herd mates and rarely if ever pulled. Learn from the horse – always forward in the maneuvers.  The techniques of the NLHTM Program are built on this principle because it works and that is what the horse understands most.  They know how to drive and be driven by ‘pressure’ or our asking them  with a cue.…